Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Humans Can Be Disgusting, Selfish Animals

Humanitarian aid workers and United Nation peacekeepers are sexually abusing children in war-ravished and food-poor countries, a leading European charity has said. Children as young as 6 are among those who have been forced to have sex with aid workers and peacekeepers in return for food and money, Save the Children UK said in a report released Tuesday. After interviewing hundreds of children, the charity says it found instances of rape, child prostitution, pornography, indecent sexual assault and trafficking of children for sex.

These individuals have abused their power and committed disgusting, filthy, degrading acts against children under the cover of humanitarian aid. Humanitarian my ass. These are foul vermin of the worst kind and should be eradicated from every society on this planet. There is no amount of good that these people can do to override the damage they have perpetrated on these children and themselves.

These people will lower themselves for their own selfish pleasure because they think they will not get caught. Self-governing morality is lost to these people.

I do not understand what drives a man to think that if he has something someone needs, especially if it means the difference between life and death, he envisions himself in control of that person. This is the crux of the problem and needs to be addressed immediately and effectively. Morality and human dignity mean nothing to these scumbags.

Human rights will never be attained for everyone as long as this filth is allowed to roam free and these actions are allowed to continue. As far as I am concerned, these individuals have given up their rights to be a part of this worlds’ society.

Putting more humans in the role of “watchdog”, as is suggested, as a means of controlling this behavior is just allowing more filthy pigs to be in power which will most likely lead to further abuse.

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There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance. -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

"If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people."
Chinese Proverb