Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

U.S. citizenship in Return for Military Duty. Is it worth it?

The U.S. military machine is facing a shortage of killing machines in Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. also has a problem with illegal aliens constantly clawing their way into the U.S.

The Pentagon came up with a solution to both of these problems by offering citizenship to those illegals who have managed to live in this country for two years and have obtained work visas.

Is this a brilliant plan or another temporary band-aid for both the INS and the Pentagon? Will this move finally open up some jobs for those millions of Americans who have recently lost theirs? Keeping in mind that the jobs these visa’ed aliens are doing are jobs Americans did not want in the first place. So that means even more illegals will be entering the U.S. to fill these low-paying jobs. Of course they say they are looking to fill medical and interpreter positions but the only thing the Army truly cares about is getting warm bodies with weapons onto the battlefield.

If we had a higher volunteer rate for the U.S. military then this ‘solution’ to the shortage would not be on the table.

The military experts are already putting their spin on the plan by saying the temporary immigrants will have more education, foreign language skills and professional expertise than many Americans who enlist. They are leaving out the fact that the military will train these temporary immigrants (thereby giving them ‘more education’) in foreign language skills and professional expertise just as they would any American if those Americans would only enlist.

They claim to prefer green card holders over ‘illegal’ aliens due to the security screening that comes with temporary visas. But just how stringent are the guidelines for what passes as a security check?

The army has already provided waivers to new recruits allowing them to enlist despite medical conditions or criminal records. This shows that their standards are not as high as they let on.

And for the ‘reward’ of citizenship these ‘temporary immigrants’ will face, if they return physically unharmed, psychological scarring and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for the rest of their lives.

If they are physically wounded they face rundown over-crowded military hospitals to provide for their care and the possibility of PTSD.

If they die they don’t have to worry about any of these problems.

All this for the privilege of competing with millions of other unemployed people vying for minimum wage jobs at or below poverty level that most likely will not offer any healthcare or job security.

They are better off being illegal aliens because in America they get free medical care and education. Once they become citizens and have to pay for these ‘privileges’ is when they find out how much it costs to support those that don’t pay into the system. Once they become citizens with the right to vote is when they learn that their vote is pretty much meaningless because the ‘fraternity of political hacks’ with their hands out serve only special interest groups with the millions of dollars it takes to grease their greedy palms.

The new military motto should be “If they are willing to kill for the U.S. then give them citizenship. ORAH!”

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Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

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