Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why Are Atheists Driven to ‘Prove’ Something That Cannot Be Proven?

The recent surge in activity of atheist vs. believers is almost ‘campaign-like’. I get the impression atheists have a single-minded drive to ‘prove’ two things:
1-that they are superior in their belief
2-that those who believe He does exist are foolish.

The following is a sentence taken from the current TV blog:
A new survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that most religious Americans don't know shit about their own religions. Sample fun finding: "A majority of Protestants, for instance, couldn't identify Martin Luther as the driving force behind the Protestant Reformation."

The use of the word ‘fun’ to describe this finding backs up what I said in my opening paragraph.

All this finding shows is that believers are not receiving a religious education. Just that simple. Ignorance of religion-based facts does nothing to prove existence or non-existence.

I believe that if you go to church you should at least be taught why you are there. Then if you choose not to believe in it then walk away.

How atheists can consider themselves ‘enlightened’ when there is no actual proof of either existence or non-existence is beyond me. To whip themselves into an almost, dare I say it, ‘religious fervor’ to ‘prove’ that which cannot be proven borders on ridiculous.

What is the point? If religious followers want to believe in God then so be it. If atheists want to believe there is no God then so be it. Why should either side campaign to prove their superiority?

There truly are more pressing matters that we should all, as Americans, be concerned with. For instance, we all need to learn:
  1. how to accept others regardless of their beliefs
  2. what it takes to be an American
  3. that we have a responsibility to fight for our constitutional rights
  4. how to manage our money (stop allowing the rich to leave the rest of us behind)
  5. how to educate our children so they can actually compete with the rest of the world
  6. that intelligence has a higher priority than simply ‘looking good’
  7. anger management

If anyone has anything to add to this list I am always willing to hear you out.

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There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance. -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

"If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people."
Chinese Proverb