Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Today’s Protest Roundup

Uganda – opposition parties to protest the government and recent increase in commodity and fuel prices.

California - College students and faculty in California and other states on Wednesday planned to protest state budget cuts to higher education that could lead to higher tuition, larger class sizes and lower enrollment.

Texas - Hundreds of students in the Katy school district walked out of class Thursday to protest teacher layoffs caused by a feared $50 million budget shortfall.

Michigan – Hundreds protest federal debt at Capitol rally.

Missouri – Westboro Baptist Church announced that it will have protesters at the Saturday funeral of Staff Sergeant Jason Rogers of Brandon.

Utah – Environmental groups protest Kennecott mine expansion

North Carolina - Planned Parenthood protests proposed bill to cut government funding for healthcare clinics that provide abortion services

Vermont - 125 jeering, sign-waving union members and others protested the appearance of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus at a party dinner.

California - A Native American group in Vallejo is opposing the potential construction of a parking lot on their ancient burial site that could begin later this month.

Kansas – Kansas City teachers wear ‘pink slips’ in protest before school board.

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There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance. -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

"If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people."
Chinese Proverb