Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Killers go unpunished, society loses again

This falls under the category of eroding moral values and a weak judicial system that does nothing to curtail this type of behavior.

Michael Vick was suspended from NFL 'indefinitely' as a result of his ‘association’ with activities surrounding a dog fighting ring that he bought and paid for. This only goes so far (and not far enough) in the NFL’s efforts to make "a strong statement that conduct which tarnishes the good reputation of the NFL will not be tolerated," as spoken by Falcons owner Arthur Blank. But, Vick’s conduct obviously is not “incomprehensible and unacceptable" enough for Blank to completely cut Vick lose.

Vick is playing the legal system. And there are lawyers out there who are more than willing to facilitate his attempt to get off with as little punishment as possible.

This exemplifies how our legal system has become a ‘dog without a bite’. Please pardon the pun.

Just look at pictures of Vick surrounded by his lawyers. He is smug. He looks like he is challenging the world and he knows he will win. And why not? Our legal system has a long track record of letting people off with as lenient a punishment as they can.

Laws are written to prevent the type of behavior that Vick is accused of and has several witnesses to, but Federal prosecutors agreed to ask for the low end of the sentencing guidelines. Why?

Why is the court system always going for the ‘low-end’ of sentencing guidelines? Can they not convict Vick of the charges based on actual eyewitnesses who have already confessed to being a part of these charges?

Vick admitted to participating in a dogfighting ring. Vick also admitted that he and two co-conspirators killed dogs that did not fight well. This is not just ‘hear say’, the legal term for something that cannot be backed up with proof. He made these statements to members of the law enforcement community which makes them admissible in court. He should be charged with these crimes as well.

Vick said he would plead guilty to one count of "Conspiracy to Travel in Interstate Commerce in Aid of Unlawful Activities and to Sponsor a Dog in an Animal Fighting Venture" in a plea agreement filed at U.S. District Court in Richmond, Virginia. Why is he in control of what he will plead to? How is it that he is the one who decides what he will be punished for?

In an additional summary of facts, signed by Vick and filed with the agreement, Vick admitted buying pit bulls and the property used for training these dogs to fight, and to actually pitting these dogs against each other but the statement said he did not bet on the fights or receive any of the money won. He further states that gambling wins were generally split among co-conspirators Tony Taylor, Quanis Phillips and sometimes Purnell Peace.

Oh Please!! Vick expects us to believe he bought everything needed for dogfighting and for training dogs to fight but did not intend to benefit in any way from dogfighting. That he went through all of this expense for the sole benefit of his co-conspirators? What crap!! Nobody is going set up a betting situation and not take advantage of it in order to get his money back and then some.

You prosecutors cannot possibly be this blind. Everybody on the outside of this judicial system who is paying attention is laughing at you. The federal prosecutors, should be ashamed of themselves.

Vick also agreed that "collective efforts" by him and two others caused the deaths of at least six dogs. This is awfully 'big' of him to admit since he has witnesses that said he did exactly this.

Around April, Vick, Peace and Phillips tested some dogs in fighting sessions at Vick's property in Virginia, the statement said. "Peace, Phillips and Vick agreed to the killing of approximately 6-8 dogs that did not perform well in 'testing' sessions at 1915 Moonlight Road and all of those dogs were killed by various methods, including hanging and drowning.

The prosecutors are not going to convict Vick or any of the others for killing these dogs. They are not going to be punished for the brutal, callous ways in which these devious minds thought up to ‘punish’ these dogs for the ‘crime’ of not having the heart to fight.

You know what they say about people who torture and kill animals? They ‘graduate’ to killing and torturing humans. This is a proven fact. This is not just made up by me to write something more sensational about these sub-humans. These ‘men’ are going to be allowed to live amongst law-abiding citizens after admitting to killing for the pleasure of it. There was nothing ‘humane’ in the way these dogs were killed. These ‘men’ took pleasure in it.

What saddens me even further is that there are NFL ‘fans’ who will think Vick should be allowed to go unpunished just because he is an athlete. Maybe these prosecutors are among those misguided, blind fools.

So, yes, Vick is playing the legal system using low-life manipulative lawyers. He is also playing on the fact that athletes and entertainers always get special treatment above all others. This is an indictment against the legal system and this society in general.

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There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance. -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

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Chinese Proverb