Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Fed up with this terrorism crap

Now another threat video, telling us once again how we, evil American are all targets because of Bush’s policies.

The Muslims would like for us to believe that they are not all terrorist. I would like the world to know that Americans are not all spies, we do not all subscribe to what our military is doing, we are not all aggressive, self-absorbed, single-minded demons out to rule the world.

You are born Muslim. You are taught the Muslims ways. We are born American. We are taught American ways. This is just the way of a diverse world.

The ‘free-spirited’ individuals among us all have always had their thinking just a bit skewed from life’s main-stream. These individuals usually ‘branch off’ from society by thinking their outlook on life is the most righteous and honest path to follow. And then there are individuals within this group that are not content to ‘sit back’ and watch the rest of us ‘allow’ this life to be ruined. They preach their dogma of bigoted righteousness to the rest of us and think we should follow their ways without question.

These members exist within American society. These members exist within Muslim society. Why can’t those of us who see through their hateful rhetoric rise up and ‘bitch-slap’ them into sitting down with their noses in the corner until they can learn to ‘play nice’ with the rest of us?

We are all just trying to live our lives without violence and without the stress caused by the threat of violence.

The U.S. has a very bad track record when it comes to foreign affairs because our government leaders think everyone should live like us. There is a certain amount of good intention involved in how we view the rest of the world. But, let’s face it, not everyone wants the U.S.’s idea of how to live. Not everyone thinks the American lifestyle is ideal.

Granted, there are millions who want to come to America because they like our freedom and our opportunities to succeed. But those who want to come here are not representatives of the entire world population. As an analogy, Just because there are more people who purchase a certain product is no indication that everyone wants that product. And to try to force that product onto those people who have made the choice not to purchase that product is wrong. Especially when viewed through the eyes of a country that prides itself on its individuals ‘right to choose’.

Can’t you see, that trying to force our way of life on the whole world, we are denigrating the very principle we supposedly adhere to? The rest of the world sees right through this and view the U.S. as hypocritical, and because they feel the sting of our military when we try to force our way of life onto them they view us, rightly so, as nothing more than ‘schoolyard bullies’.

The U.S., in this current situation in Afghanistan and Iraq, has placed itself in a position that to ‘back down’ will make us look weak and dishonorable. But that avenue of thinking is only believed by the military. George W. Bush has bought into it 100%.

He surrounds himself with ‘advisors’ who supposedly have America’s best interest at heart. They are all basically good Americans. But their vision of what America truly stands for is tainted by a deeply seated ‘need’ to win.

There is no ‘dishonor’ in admitting you made a mistake and have ‘bitten off more than you can chew’. The ‘dishonor’ comes when you cannot admit to the mistake and stand there looking like a fool in the face of the facts. The ‘dishonor’ comes from continuing to bring about the deaths of innocent people who are caught between you and someone else who refuses to quit.

The only way for the U.S. to gain some modicum of respect and, yes honor, is to stop playing the aggressor in a part of the world where the majority of people do not want us.

I love America. As it once was, proud and honorable, giving assistance to those who need it. I don’t love the America that George W Bush and his gang of military thugs have created.

This situation has devolved into the Arab-Israeli scenario where there is no end in sight because both parties refuse to back down. Each side thinks it has to ‘answer’ the other sides aggression with more aggression. It is a never ending spiral and someone has to be the ‘adult’ and put a stop to it for the sake of the innocents.

Why can’t you aggressors go to an island somewhere and fight among your selves and allow the rest of us to live in peace? Why do you always have to take innocent lives to further your own narrow-minded, self-important ideas of how we should live, what we should believe in and how we should worship the same God we all worship?

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There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance. -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

"If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people."
Chinese Proverb