Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Blackwater, the White House’s Corporate Army

Disband the armed thugs before Bush/Cheney get any more out of control. These two shameless, brazen, war-profiteers need to be neutered and have their powers taken away from them before their power hungry, blind-ambition for more corporate profits mires us in a war with Iran. They have already created a ‘military’ force that outnumbers the U.S. military by nearly 20,000 that has proven itself to be out of control.

Mercenaries are paid to do one thing, to enforce the will of whoever owns their contract. Blackwater is paid to do the bidding of the Bush/Cheney White House. They are not bound by our constitution, they do not fight to uphold our constitution. They are freelance killers. They do not feel the need to answer to the American public or American policies. By design, they are not governed by the same rules that a governments military is.

The White House has decided that since they cannot get the necessary approval to further their financial interests as they want in Iraq then they will circumvent Congress and hire their own corporate army. They are using U.S. tax dollars to buy the allegiance of these hired guns.

This administration has committed enough illegal and reprehensible acts, from making up lies in order to force our military to do pre-emptive strikes against sovereign nations to hiring a private militia to keep the citizenry of that nation in check and protect their own financial interests.

While their cronies are stuffing their bank accounts in the name of spreading democracy our young men and women are giving their lives, and the survivors are given substandard medical care, insufficient compensation, and worthless medals for their patriotism.

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney do not give one good damn about the number of military personnel it takes to keep their business interests in the black and they prove it by demanding more and more of our tax dollars to fund their latest corporate venture. They fire commanding generals until they find one who will step in line with their views to be used as a mouthpiece to tell the world that we cannot stop now or all will be lost.

What would be lost is this administration’s reason for being in Iraq. That is, to set up military bases to protect the oil and gas shipping lanes to the U.S. Any country that threatens that flow, such as Iran, is seen as a threat to their profits. This is where Bush/Cheney focus their attention. If the Iranian threat was lessened or, even better, in their view, eliminated, then Bush/Cheney and their cronies would almost certainly be guaranteed access, for years to come, to the wealth that these natural resources provide. Don’t think for a minute they would attack Iran to protect our troops. They will do it to protect their interests.

If they could get the American people behind an attack on Iran, then Bush/Cheney and their cohorts could have military bases on both sides of the Persian Gulf virtually guaranteeing and uninterruptible flow of their profits.

I have never heard of any corporation yet who will willingly give up a lucrative contract. Iraq has become more lucrative than even Bush/Cheney imagined. Now that the prospect of having protection from both sides of the Persian Gulf is within reach, well, their greed just simply will not allow them to back off now. If they have to fabricate a story about Iran supplying arms to Iraqi insurgents, then they will do so.

The overwhelming majority of this country wants us out of Iraq, we want us out of Afghanistan, we do not want to go to war with Iran, but Bush/Cheney has already proven they care very little what the American people want. This Congress, this group of spineless, manipulating, self-serving, cowards that we have empowered to be our voices to represent our will either refuse to do anything about it or are simply ineffective to do anything.

I do not understand the sway that this bumbling, amateur politician from Texas and this shifty, distrustful, trigger happy, corporate tyrant have over Congress.

George W. Bush’s approval rating is at an all time low at 31% as of today. Even members of his own party are breaking away from him. Yet he is still in office. What the hell does it take for him to get kicked out? President Clinton was impeached for a blow job! President Bush started an illegal war based on lies costing untold suffering and damages in deaths, injuries, and property not to mention the damage he has caused in foreign relations and he stays in! It is unfathomable how much and what the public will accept from its leaders. I hope all of you realize this is settings precedents for future administrations. Each new low that is tolerated becomes acceptable practice.

This is why this country’s morals and ethics have diminished into the low state it is currently in, because the population will not rise up and kick his ass out. We get the government we deserve by not voting, by not standing up for what we want. There are so many people out there who currently thinks that their vote doesn’t count that if they all did, by some miracle, get out and vote they would become the new majority. But you have to pay attention to what these candidates are saying, to what they have done in the past. Do your homework. It is your future too. This has become ‘the government of the few over the many’ because we have let it be.

We the people have allowed ourselves to be manipulated by elected officials who kowtow to the whims of an arrogant sociopath who surrounds himself with unethical lackeys who obediently change laws to further his blind ambitions.

We the people allow ourselves to become victims by not voicing our opinions at the voting booths.

I am from the small towns and countryside of America, I have no vested interest in political office and therefore am not blinded or muzzled in order to tow-the-party-line. I am much less suspect of the word of my working class peers in Iraq, and other countries, than I am of the ruling class. These people live the truth. They survive through their own cunning, despite the greed and lust for power of an endless stream of rulers who claim they are protecting them while stuffing their own pockets with the profits of the working peoples sweat and blood. Only when their voices are not filtered through our mass media can we see the everyday truth of what our leaders have brought down onto them.

Our mainstream media outlets are doing the American people a grave disservice for not exposing the Bush/Cheney White House for what it is and for sucking up to them just because of the office they hold. The media is allowing Bush/Cheney to perpetuate their lies by covering up, candy-coating or burying stories that are detrimental to the war or White House policy.

Any reporter who stands up to speak the truth while in employ of the main stream is banished to some small market where their voice cannot be heard and cannot, therefore, do damage to our leaders reputation, even though the leaders reputation is so ruined, as evidenced by popularity polls, as to have no honor.

Iraq’s citizenry is not any better off under the military rule we have imposed on them than they were under Saddam Hussein. It is just a different breed of madness through the use of hired goon squads. Because of their religious beliefs they are still fearful of stepping out of their homes, they are still fearful of walking the streets, there are whole sections of their city they cannot walk in or drive through without fear of being killed. They can only go to certain hospitals because of their religious practices (Sunni’s control some hospitals while Shiites control others).

How many more innocent citizens are going to be gunned down because they did not move quickly enough to satisfy a power hungry maniac with an automatic rifle? How many more U.S. soldiers are going to come home in body bags before we finally stand up against this administration and put a stop to this wanton misery? How much more resentment can the families of those same soldiers take?

Either hold the presidential election early or impeach and let the next in line take over in the interim. Nancy Pelosi cannot possibly do a worse job than these greedy liars. But I have been proven wrong before.

If we have to re-impose the draft until this madness is over then we should do so. This would be a much preferable arrangement than paying hired gunmen who answer only to the White House. While it is true the military can be called ‘hired guns’ they are under a much less cavalier set of guidelines on when and when not to fire upon the civilian population. I don’t believe we ever will invoke the draft because Bush/Cheney don’t want this war to end. It would cut into their profits.

With the current trend in outsourcing our responsibilities it is only a matter of time before our entire Department of Defense becomes outsourced to the highest bidder, all in the name of saving money. Hell, why not outsource the presidency? Then our government would not have to be accountable for anything and we can place the blame for wrongdoing on the board of directors.

Write your congressperson and senators to stop funding these mercenaries. A website has been setup to help you identify your congressperson and senator, by your zip code, and then forwards your comments to all of them with just one click is

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There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance. -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

"If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people."
Chinese Proverb