It isn’t enough for him to be a proud member of a society that values fair elections in order to place the most popular person in the presidential office. He wants to stoop to the level of a Robert Mugabe and ‘force’ the election in his favor. Of course, he supported George W. Bush who stole the election by using the U.S. Supreme Court. So his level of what is ethically acceptable is already well documented.
Rush Limbaugh’s past actions and statements placed himself squarely in the midst of the lowest dregs of right wing radio talk show hosts. And his latest comments is further proof that he belongs there.
Here is his original statement:
"We do, hopefully, the right thing for the sake of this country. We're the only one in charge of our affairs. We don't farm out our defense if we elect Democrats ... and riots in Denver, at the Democratic Convention will see to it we don't elect Democrats. And that's the best damn thing that can happen to this country, as far as I can think," Limbaugh said.
Then, when faced with opposition to this comment he changes his tone expecting us to believe that what he originally said was a misinterpretation, merely a ‘dream of his’. In other words he ‘mis-spoke’. Now where did we witness this attempt at a cover up before? Oh Yeah, Hillary ‘mis-spoke’ when she said she came under sniper fire in Bosnia.
"There won't be riots at our convention," Limbaugh said of the Republican National Convention. "We don't riot. We don't burn our cars. We don't burn down our houses. We don't kill our children. We don't do half the things the American left does."
He calls his grand plan “Operation Chaos” which would make the people on the far left look bad. Correct me if I am wrong but this operation is reminiscent of the plan that someone else had in mind back in the late 60’s. His plan was to start a riot by killing whites and make it appear that blacks were behind it and then he would come in and save the day. That someone was Charles Manson.
Rush Limbaugh has made many hypocritical statements that define him as an unethical, immoral hack, completely lacking integrity. Statements such as “Hillary Clinton supporters are feminists who had all had multiple abortions that had been married two or three times”, when he himself has been married three times and has NO children he has no right to cast dispersions onto someone else, yet this is Rush Limbaugh’s modus operendi. And let’s not forget that he was caught with illegally obtained Viagra prescriptions while at the same time ranting against medical marijuana users. He demands jail time for all minorities who break the law yet he did not do any jail time for his law-breaking activity.
He claims to be the leader in excellence in broadcasting yet he backpedals when confronted with inciting riots. Doesn’t sound very excellent to me.
The dictionary defines Excellence this way: the fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence. I don’t see this definition applied to Rush Limbaugh in any way.
Rush, you really ought to re-evaluate what you consider “excellence in broadcasting”.
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