Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

America, Are We All On the Same Team Here?

We give and give but the idiots in charge screw it all up. Sound familiar? Isn’t this the end result of pretty much everything we try to do in this country?

After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita struck the Gulf Coast in 2005 leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless, compassion for their situation and the desire to help filled news reports. Many throughout this country were willing to open their homes to victims. Monetary donations as well as food, clothing and household basics were freely given. It is one thing that makes this country great. But then government agencies get involved. And we quickly have a cluster of confusion surrounding ‘who is responsible for helping who’ and rules governing ‘who is to get what’.

We have government and private organizations set up to ensure aid is given where it is needed most. But when it comes time to putting their grand plans into play human traits like ego, jealousy, greed, apathy, and laziness all prevent the plans from seeing well-intentioned results. I don’t know if there are any inter-agency power struggles taking place but there certainly is a lack of communication and oversight.

FEMA was criticized for not acting quickly enough to get on the scene to assess damages and prepare plans for aid distribution. Why were they not ready? It is the central responsibility of that agency. It is why they exist. When they finally did act by providing mobile homes for the homeless, those homes set empty in storage facilities until they rotted. When they finally did act by providing household items, those items sat in warehouses undistributed. But when the cash came out everyone was trampling over each other with their hands out for their ‘fair share’ and a lot of them were not even victims.

FEMA has guidelines in place to ensure that aid assistance is directed to where it is most needed, namely to the actual victims. These guidelines must be in place because we all know that there are low-life thieves amongst us who will lie to get something for nothing, even if it means taking away from the actual victims. Because of these scum bags, aid cannot get to where it is intended in a timely manner. It is a sad fact that we will always have to deal with these situations which is basically a lack of compassion for the victims of Katrina.

Another sad fact is that government offices and volunteer groups ended up with items that were intended for the actual victims of Katrina. Prisons in Mississippi got coffee makers, pillowcases and dinnerware; Mississippi’s Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks took more coffee makers, cleaning supplies and other items; Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration received household items; and colleges, volunteer fire departments and other agencies received even more. Where is the compassion for Katrina’s victims?

Insurance companies, paid handsome premiums by homeowners who thought they were covered, weaseled out of their contracts hiding behind small print and big lawyers. No compassion for Katrina’s victims can be found here.

Contractors, that should have been happy to get jobs rebuilding the many homes destroyed in this natural disaster, created their own disaster by over charging and doing shoddy work so they could hurry on to the next job site for the promise of making even more money. Still no compassion for Katrina’s victims.

FEMA says they were not informed of any qualified aid organizations in Mississippi who were authorized to receive these items so they locked the items away. Yet FEMA knew these items were needed, so why didn’t they see to it that they were distributed? This shows a clear lack of compassion for Katrina’s victims.

State agencies knew of people who needed these items and did not pressure FEMA to get these items to needy victims. No compassion here for Katrina’s victims.

FEMA says nonprofit organizations that help the needy or homeless must meet federal guidelines and register with the Mississippi's Surplus Agency yet many of these organizations claim they did not know the agency existed. Lack of communication within the state of Mississippi? Perhaps, but if everyone involved in these organizations (Mississippi's surplus agency as well as all others) were truly compassionate about fulfilling their promise of aid victims of any natural disaster then somebody should have seen to it that they were all registered just in case they were needed. This shows an obvious lack of compassion for future victims.

So where did the reported compassion for Katrina’s victims come from? The unorganized masses of citizens without affiliations to aid organizations. Everyday taxpayers who want to do something. The very people who actually give the hard aid, such as cash, food items, household items, a warm bed and a house to stay in.

Since we have seen many times that our donations are more than likely to end up in thieves pockets or sit locked up in warehouses or rot unused in padlocked fields surrounded by chain link fences topped with barbed wire, what incentive do we have to give after the next disaster?

Federal and state government has failed us again, this time in a most egregious way.

Everyone involved in all of these failures, all of this ‘business as usual’, will cover their own butts as best they can and pass the blame elsewhere.

FEMA says it is conducting an internal probe into the storage of household supplies, but we already know what the outcome will be. We have seen it too many times in past ‘internal probes’ to muster enough surprised when they come up with a token person to be shuffled to another department or give the usual ‘policy changes are being made’ answer. And news agencies will all merrily report the governments results and go on to the next popular news item without any further investigation. And no one will apply pressure to ensure these failures don’t happen in the future.

I know it is pure fantasy to think we Americans are all supposed to be working together for our collective good. But when our tax dollars are being used to devise disaster plans then I bloody well want to see results when a disaster happens. I don’t want to hear excuses and see fingers pointed and victims still living in trailers on their property after three years struggling to afford to rebuild their homes because our aid organizations and insurance companies failed them. This government used to help take care of its citizens. This government now only goes half-heartedly through the motions of pretending to care.

Is it any wonder some people will no longer give assistance to victims because our aid distribution network is fraudulent and corrupt or simply inept?

Yes, we are supposed to be on the same team but ineptitude and mismanagement of our government agencies and private organizations is destroying what used to make this country great and it is causing our compassion to fade away.

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There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance. -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

"If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people."
Chinese Proverb