Our nation simply cannot pay for another “party” the likes of which George threw for all of his pals and corporate cronies.
Bush attempted to buy our loyalty by handing out measly little tax refund checks in 2001 and again this year that did nothing to benefit this economy. He robbed us to pay us. This guy has the Robin Hood Factor all screwed up. You recall that little truism about how nothing in life is free? Well folks, we are paying for those little bribes with a record high deficit. And guess what? John McCain has vowed to repeat this insincere and irresponsible attempt at a bribe if elected president. Please God, don’t let this happen.
The American budget deficit is projected to reach $482bn next year, breaking the previous record high of $413bn set in 2004. Notice that both of these records are due to the Bush Administrations inability to handle economic matters. In a moment of inadvertent poetic justice, White House officials blamed the sagging economy for the new deficit figure never realizing they are responsible for the sagging economy.
They also like to point to the fall of the sub-prime housing market for driving the U.S. debt higher. Guess what, federal regulators allowed this whole mess to start and then get out of hand because they were asleep at the controls or were paid to look the other way. So, once again the administration speaks a rare truth when they blame the sub-prime debacle for this sagging economy.
And the war in Iraq has just had a tremendously negative effect on our economy. What with all of the mis-appropriations in awarding contracts to administration cronies that have not been fulfilled, corporate war profiteering, congress’s unbridled granting any amount of money Bush asks for, lucrative contracts for private contractors, and zooming costs for caring for the injured from this illegal war, this has become the biggest toilet that has come out of the Bush administration.
How is it, that this administration, can point at the reasons for this astronomical budget deficit and not see that their own mishandling and ignorance in these fiscal matters as the primary cause for these reasons? The arrogance it must take to smile innocently while trying to put the blame off onto someone else just boggles the mind. Incredible.
Now, guess where all the money came from to pay for all of our “gifts”. Social Security. The money that was forcibly taken from our paychecks to help pay for our parents retirement is being used to pay for this administrations lack of spending discipline. Are our parents retiring in the same lap of luxury as Bush’s corporate CEO buddies?
I hope we have learned this very costly lesson and will not allow this reign of fiscal terror to continue with John McCain.
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