He has had eight opportunities to vote on the renewable energy bill that would have extended the investment tax credit for installing solar energy and the production tax credits for building wind turbines and other energy-efficiency systems. These credits, which expire in December of this year, help these industries to remain competitive with fossil fuel industries. And, he has missed all eight opportunites. Which effectively is a ‘No’ vote.
He is courting oil companies and is taking every nickel, dime and hundred dollar bill they are throwing at him.
What can we derive from these three facts? John McCain thinks Americans are too stupid to see him as he really is. Another political stooge bought and paid for by other oil company stooges (lobbyists) who don’t give a damn about the future of clean alternative energy or the environment.
A recent article in Scientific American laid out a grand plan to end U.S. dependence on foreign oil and slash greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 using technology we have currently available.
Some of the world’s largest solar projects in the country, the Arizona desert, in the Mojave Desert, and elsewhere in California, are going to have to resign themselves to the fact that alternative energy in this country is a pipe dream. We have the consensus, the desire and the technological ability to begin cleaning up our environment and making ourselves energy independent but our leaders prefer to remain lapdogs of the oil industry.
And in doing so we are being forced to subjugate ourselves to king oil’s whims.
Despite all of the toxic pollutants we have seen dumped around oil wells fouling the surrounding land and waterways,
despite all of the disruption we have witnessed with wildlife habitat,
despite all the pollution that have been proven to result from burning fossil fuels,
despite the proven benefits to our nation and the world to be had from converting to clean alternative energy,
despite scientists warning that we need to offset greenhouse gas emissions,
despite the positive effect that pushing a new clean energy would have on stimulating our economy,
despite falling behind Germany in an industry that we could easily regain, producing and installing of photovoltaic (PV) solar cells,
despite the general public’s outcry to pursue clean alternative energy and wean ourselves from dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels,
leaders of this country refuse to abandone their financially lucrative associations with big oil and instead continue to forsake the future health of their fellow citizens and the environment.
Running out of fossil fuels would probably be the best thing to happen for this planet. It is the only way the U.S. is going to adopt clean alternative fuels. I sincerely hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.
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