Nay Phone Latt, a Burmese blogger, was sentenced by Burma’s tyrannical Military Junta that will not tolerate any semblance of critical opinion being voiced over the World Wide Web.
Judge Daw Soe recently sentenced Nay Phone Latt to a total of twenty years and six months for possession of a banned video and having a blog to express his concerns about the increasingly difficulty of Burmese people to voice their opinions since the protests last year.
Nay was first arrested in January but was released, along with a handful of National League for Democracy (NLD) politicians, a few hours later but was arrested again a few days later. Since then he has been held at Insein Prison (pronounced ‘insane’), infamous for grotesque treatment of its political prisoners.
The blog Freedom For Burma written on February 2, 2008 describes Nay’s fate as well as others.
Bloggers the world over are being asked to post his photo on their blog and to write to Burmese embassies worldwide to request his release.
I have a lot of admiration for someone who can stand up to their oppressors knowing they will be thrown into a notorious prison likes of Insein just for doing so. I don't know if I could personally gather the courage to do it myself. I pray that I will never be tested.
But, there is something we can do. We in America and the world over can exercise the right that people like Nay Phone Latt is fighting for and express our disgust at how Burmese citizens are being treated simply for expressing their views.
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