Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Another cop is acquitting over shooting

Okay, this just pisses me off. But it is business as usual in this de facto police state we live in.

A San Bernardino County jury acquitted a former sheriff's deputy of attempted voluntary manslaughter for opening fire on an unarmed, off-duty Air Force police officer after a high-speed chase last year, a brutal shooting videotaped by a bystander and aired nationwide.

What the hell is wrong with these jurist? I saw that video and this cop obviously shot his victim in cold blood while trying to comply with the cops order to get up.

I wonder what the story is behind him no longer being on the police force. Was he fired for this action? He definitely does not deserve to be there. Although he does have the right mentality, from their point of view.

Here is the background in case you didn’t see it:
Back in January 2006, San Bernardino County Sheriffs Deputy, Ivory John Webb Jr., 46, while on duty, opened fire on an unarmed, off-duty Air Force police officer after a high-speed chase.

The victim, Elio Carrion, 23, was the passenger of the vehicle and ended up on the pavement, on his back, in the aftermath of the car crashing into a block wall. This next part was caught on video. Webb was standing over Carrion, with his service revolver pointed at him, ordering Carrion to get up. Now, let’s take a moment here to ask some critical questions. First of all, after someone had hit a block wall as the result of a car accident, do you think that person would be coherent enough to understand what you are saying to him? Secondly, wouldn’t your medical training tell you that a person in this situation just might cause further injury to himself if he moved around? This officer Webb, in my humble opinion, is not exhibiting any humanitarian concern or basic intelligence.

Remember, police officers are supposed to ‘protect and serve’? This is their motto, they put it on their police cruisers, they are supposed to be guided by this principle. This guy, obviously missed that whole humanitarian side of his training. And he must have also skipped his medical training.

At this point, remember this is on video, Carrion is attempting to get up, as ordered, and he is telling Webb that he means him no harm and “OK, I’m getting up”. While Carrion is attempting to comply, Webb opens fire on him at point blank range. He must not have known the video camera was on him.

Does this guy sound like a stellar example of what a police officer represents?

I remember learning, at the time of this original story, that Webb had been previously suspended under suspicion of another suspicious shooting. Of course, he was acquitted of all charges that time too. Big surprise. He is a cop after all.

These cops can only get away with this fascist behavior as long as cowards like these jurors are going to continue to not prosecute a clearly malicious shooting just because the shooter was a cop.

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