Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Follow up: Police leave victims behind

I just read a CNN story connected to an earlier story about police officers who left the scene of a car accident in which they failed to properly search for two survivors.

Darius Moore says he feels vindicated after listening to police dispatch recordings that he says prove his story about a car crash that killed two of his closest friends.

Fine, I would feel vindicated as well.

Moore, 17, was driving a 1994 Chevrolet Caprice early September 15 when it careened through a guardrail and into a ravine, killing 18-year-olds Brandon Smith and Dominique Green and injuring himself and 17-year-old DeAndre Anderson. None was wearing a seat belt, Moore said, and all were thrown from the car.

Moore said he and Anderson, bleeding from their injuries, pleaded with police who arrived at the crash scene that their two friends were missing. Police said Moore and Anderson told officers they may have dropped Smith and Green off before the crash.

Moore said he doesn't agree with the Lake County, Indiana, coroner's office finding that Smith and Green died instantly.

"I'm angry at police because I thought they could have found my friends, and they probably would be alive today if [police] had just done their job," he said.

"I just don't believe that they checked," Moore said. "My friend Brandon Smith's father went down there and checked and found them in five minutes, so I don't know why [police] couldn't do the same."

So far, I am in agreement with Moore on these points.

But, here’s a piece of truth that Darius Moore has to accept even if he did just gloss over it. He alone was responsible for his friends being thrown from that vehicle because he was the driver, not the police, not anyone else. He got behind the wheel of that vehicle after drinking, he alone pushed that accelerator to force that vehicle over the speed limit. The police did not do any of this.

You cannot know when a tire is going to blow but you sure as hell know it is a possibility if the tire is in poor condition. Every driver is responsible for knowing if their tires are in good shape or not.

The police have their culpability to answer for just as does Darius Moore. Mr. Moore, you have to accept your responsibility in this tragic accident in that only you could have prevented it. Do not try to push off your part in this tragedy just because the police gave some doubt as to whether or not your friends might still be alive if they had done a more thorough search.

Moore denied police claims that both surviving teens had been drinking. He said "there was no alcohol in the car."

Mr. Moore, your blood alcohol test proves you were drinking, true there may not have been any alcohol in the car, but do not try to say you were not drinking when a blood-alcohol test proves otherwise. You are underage and the fact you was drinking proves you are not above cheating, so be careful with trying to play the victim here, sir. Accept your responsibility. You want to act like an adult then by God do it completely.

Another thing, there is no way that a vehicle would roll as many times as this one did causing this much damage if you was only accelerating at the ‘mind-numbing’ speed of 30-40 miles per hour. We are not stupid. This is a bald faced lie on your part sir in a desperate attempt to take the blame off of you. Again, be a man and accept your responsibility in this.

"A lot of people tell me that it wasn't my fault, that there was nothing that I could do," said Moore, a senior at Gary's West Side High School. "I realize that it wasn't my fault, but sometimes I feel like it was -- it really wasn't -- but it's just how I feel sometimes."

This is pure BS. People, take responsibility for your actions. This is why our society is so screwed up, because people like you want to have your fun but don’t want to take responsibility when your brand of fun ends up in a tragedy. The only part of “what a lot of people” tell you is true is that there was nothing you could do once the tire blew. But you sure could have done other things that would not have set up the situation for this accident to happen.

It was your fault Mr. Moore. I am sure you did not think you was going to harm your friends but you did intentionally put your friends in harms way by driving that vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, by driving over the speed limit (I know you are not innocent of this), and by not taking better care of that car by having good, safe tires on it. All of these things puts the blame squarely on you.

Stop acting like a victim here and stand up.

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Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

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