Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Falling From High Horses and Journalism As It Should Be

Two things that came about because of WikiLeaks. Journalism and diplomacy have both been given higher standards. What the American public expects from each is slightly different but very much the same thing.

We expect transparency from our public leaders. We expect not to be lied to. We expect journalists to not pander to special interests and to present all of the truth about everything that affects every aspect of our lives.

Our political leaders have been given the opportunity once again to listen to what the voters think about a very important issue. We want them to end their policy of keeping things hidden from public view.

Far too many politicians believe they are the wizard behind the curtain and that we should pay them no mind. They put themselves above the public and consider themselves too important to be replaced. They are neither.

What WikiLeaks unveiled about U.S. diplomats and foreign leaders is something that U.S. citizens have known for ages. It is refreshing to see that people in these positions make mistakes just as the rest of us do. However, the people in these positions remain indignant that this simple truth has been revealed about themselves. My advice to these people is to get over yourselves. So you have been embarrassed by the same human traits the rest of us suffer. Correct your blunders and get on with doing the job your are tasked with doing.

Another bit of advice, and trust me I feel it is ridiculous that this even needs to be said to adults, keeping secrets from the American public only makes you look worse for having kept the secret in the first place.

You politicians must think we view you as infallible. Well, you are sadly mistaken. Just as mistaken are you if you believe we think you are above the law. Truth be told, we don’t believe that you are ‘privileged’. We do believe that if and when you are caught committing a crime and you are then determined to be guilty of that crime you should not get to keep your salaries and your pensions. We don’t get to keep ours, why on earth should you?

Concerning your outrage over WikiLeaks, who do you people think you are fooling? The American people see who these leaks have hurt. We would never condone the leaking of secrets that brought death and destruction to anyone. Nor would we accept the malicious telling of secrets that would bring down legitimate governments.

WikiLeaks did neither of these things and yet the federal government views him as a traitor of the highest degree. Again, I say to our political leaders, get over your embarrassment and get on with life. Hopefully, you can do a better job with the knowledge that we know you all make mistakes, just like us.

Here’s something for all of you to think about, the Society for Professional Journalists, in regards WikiLeaks, after addressing issues such as ‘is this journalism, is it responsible and have news organizations responded ethically’ has deemed that the action of WikiLeaks did fall within the ethical guidelines of good solid journalism. In fact it is my guess that a vast majority of journalists are crying in their afternoon mixed drinks that they themselves did not uncover those secrets.

Journalism, needs to be informative. Journalism needs to investigate issues and report on them ot just report on them. Journalism should confront every issue with the sole determination of presenting all of the facts. Allow the public to determine what is important and what is not. We do not need or want to be pampered or protected from the truth. If anyone tries to prevent the truth from being reported then that person needs to be put out in front of the public eye so we can deal with them.

WikiLeaks has shown us finally what journalism can be. Responsible. Hard-hitting. Truthful.

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There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance. -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

"If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people."
Chinese Proverb