Moral human behavior optimizes the survival and nourishment of the human species. . .
Immoral behavior is a threat to all mankind.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Judge in Virginia Strikes Down Federal Health Care Law

As if any thinking intelligent person thought this bill was going to viewed any differently, a federal judge rejected a key provision of the Obama administration's health care law as unconstitutional Monday, ruling the government cannot require people to buy insurance.

This is exactly what should have been on the minds of every politician working on this bill. How can any politician possibly think they can force the American public to pay for something they don’t want? Well, I’ll tell you what allowed them to think this was going to pass. Arrogance.

Politicians have become so entrenched in the wasteful process of writing new legislation, solely for the purpose of justifying their positions, that even though they knew this law was not going to fly they would rather waste taxpayer money in writing this legislation, debating it, and then voting on it.

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There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance. -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Transgressions that are tolerated today will become common place tomorrow. -Greg W

"If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people."
Chinese Proverb